Carvings on the parapet wall - sequences from Mahabharata- Khandava forest burning and Below the parapet wall Beautifully carved miniature temple towers
1 of 10
Carving on the parapet wall - sequences from the epic Ramayana - Kishkinda kanda - Rama's meeting with Sugreeva and Below the parapet wall - beautifully carved miniature towers
2 of 10
Carvings on the parapet wall - sequences from Mahabharata - Krishna's killing of various demons and Below the parapet wall - carved miniatures temple towers
3 of 10
Beautifully carved miniature of towers carved on the wall
4 of 10
Carving on the parapet wall - sequences from the epic Ramayana - Kishkinda kanda - Rama's meeting with Sugreeva and Below the parapet wall - beautifully carved miniature towers
5 of 10
Details of workmanship at the entrance to the shrine
6 of 10
View outside through the pillared mantapa
7 of 10
Carvings on the parapet wall - sequences from Mahabharata - Krishna's childhood and Below the parapet wall - beautifully carved miniature towers